After four years as a barista at a Minnesota coffee chain that shall not be named, Juliet is now a Data Analyst at the Star Tribune. Her favorite espresso drink is a hot americano with not too much water, but she also loves a plain old coffee or a fun flavored latte every once in a while.

Roots Roasting

Roots Roasting
Pop-tarts sold separately

We'll start today's review with a recipe. Start by gathering four college students and putting them in a house with one (1) bathroom. Students should possess the following traits:

  • 1 "non-practicing lactose intolerant"
  • 1 with IBD
  • 1 whose tummy hurts
  • 1 man

Mix it all up and what do you get? Disaster.

Enter Roots Roasting.

Wifi Speed (mbps) Noise Level (dB) # Tables # Seats % Crowded # Bathrooms
120 86 12 34 70% 2

Roots staff of academic year 2019-2020, if you're reading this, thank you and we're sorry.

But, Roots wasn't only our bathroom away from home. It was also a place where we could do homework off campus, get caffeinated, and practice adulting with classic no-frills espresso drinks.

Roots feels classy but hip. Its minimalist aesthetic provides a distraction free work environment where you can do exactly what you're there for and nothing else -- grab a good coffee, sit at a table, and work.

There are fewer outlets than there are seats, but there are a couple at each table. Enough to keep you charged up on your own, but maybe not enough for a group of friends with poor planning and four dead computers. We're giving it a maybe for meetings because it's pretty echoey. As Osmar and I witnessed first hand, conversations at other tables can cause sassy arguments between older boomers and young people laughing loudly.

Outlets Work Environment Suitable for Meetings
Some Mellow Maybe

Back to the roots

roots roasting menu

Roasties (that's you, our devoted fans), Roots Roasting uses their own roasted beans and turns them into classic coffee and espresso drinks. Nothing more, nothing less. And they're great! While they do have non-coffee options, what makes Roots special is their perfectly executed, well priced espresso drinks.

$ Small Drip Coffee Coffee Taste $ Small Latte # Dairy-Free Milks Non Coffee Options Seasonal Drinks
2.75 4 4.75 2 Some No

But, it wouldn't be a Remote Roast review without mention of the food. Roots Roasting sells delicious Marc Heu pastries, but they don't have any substantial meal options. If you're planning to stay the day, there are plenty of restaurants in the area, but you'll have to give up a seat at the table that you may not get back. Roots is small, and can fill up quickly.

Food Options Food Quality
Pastries 5

If you're looking for a well made espresso drink and minimalist environment, head over to St Paul and give Roots a try. You won't be disappointed.

Pro tip

roots bathroom sign


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