About Remote Roast

Do you work remotely? Trying to find good coffee shops to work at? You've come to the right place!

In the age of remote work, it can be easy to get stuck in your house. But when we decided to come together and work at local coffee shops, we had to search around for places with good wifi, comfortable work environments, and prices that wouldn't break the bank. We wanted to know which places were good for meetings. Where could we go for fun seasonal drinks when we wanted a little treat? If we were staying for a while, did they have good food? And most importantly, with all the caffeine we were putting in our bodies -- how many bathrooms did they have?

So, data nerds that we are, we decided to put all of our findings in one place so you don't have to scour Yelp reviews to see if the wifi is fast enough to load TikTok on your breaks from hard work.

Who are we?

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